Hi Celso,
I have little background on your problem. I assume you are familiar with neural network and NLP. This Pytorch-based article [1] seems related.
* The most difficult part is how to encode the (code,docstring) into embedding (code_embedding, docstring_embedding).
I assume both (code, docstring) are strings.
If either (code, docstring) is short and categorical, I recommend using word2vector embedding[2].
If either (code, docstring) is long, you will need to start using recurrent neural networks [3].
If either (code, docstring) is very long, you will need to come up with tricks like splitting the text into a fixed splits, encoding each separately and concatenating. I recommend using RNN and word2vector before dipping into this option.
* Once you have the embedding (code_embedding, docstring_embedding), applying N-pair loss is straight forward. There are standard implementations [4]
Resources (sorted based on importance)
[2] Word embedding https://www.tensorflow.org/tutorials/text/word_embeddings
[3] RNN for text https://www.tensorflow.org/tutorials/text/text_classification_rnn
[4] https://www.tensorflow.org/addons/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/npairs_loss